Back To The Track
Hi! Wassup? Being cool? Or bored? -__- Like me? pfft... I don't know what to do. So I'm decide to makeover my blog again. Touch up here, touch up there. So, the result..... /drum rolls/ Taa-daahhhh! You can see it since you are reading this entry! Huhu... It's still pink though. Haha well... I like pink color. Even my bedroom's wall are pink. Well, thanks to my cousin, Wany which I called her, Kanja help me to find new layout for my blog.. You guys can visited her blog while blogwalking by click at her name.. It's beautiful. Bla bla bla.. Back to the story.. As you can see on the title of this entry. Yeah.. I'm back on the track now.. It's been a while since I didn't on and write new stories in this blog~ Keep busy with my study and life. Exams, assignments, quizzes, classes, meeting lecturers and bla bla bla. It so hectic! >.< I hate that kind of life. --" But have to endure for the sake of my future. hihi... But... NOW! I'm on my semester break! For 3 months! Yaaa-hooooooo!!! :D /jump like a kid/ I can sleep as long as I want! I can eat until my belly big! HAR HAR! I can watch tv and surfing internet 24 hour! I can do anything now! So mom, grandpa, granny, sis, bro, uncles, aunties, cousins... Let me enjoy my breaks? -_________- Don't keep make me to do the chores.... You know that I'm too lazy to do it, don't you? Heheh whatever la.. I just wanna tell that during this breaks, I will write more entries about my life. What have I been doing? Where did I go shopping, holiday or others? What am I eating? Everything that related with my life. Just random things. So, keep looking for my new entries, okay? And don't forget to follow my blog. Send a message at my Cbox if you want me to follow your blog back. :) Have a nice day! Bubye!
Hi! Wassup? Being cool? Or bored? -__- Like me? pfft... I don't know what to do. So I'm decide to makeover my blog again. Touch up here, touch up there. So, the result..... /drum rolls/ Taa-daahhhh! You can see it since you are reading this entry! Huhu... It's still pink though. Haha well... I like pink color. Even my bedroom's wall are pink. Well, thanks to my cousin, Wany which I called her, Kanja help me to find new layout for my blog.. You guys can visited her blog while blogwalking by click at her name.. It's beautiful. Bla bla bla.. Back to the story.. As you can see on the title of this entry. Yeah.. I'm back on the track now.. It's been a while since I didn't on and write new stories in this blog~ Keep busy with my study and life. Exams, assignments, quizzes, classes, meeting lecturers and bla bla bla. It so hectic! >.< I hate that kind of life. --" But have to endure for the sake of my future. hihi... But... NOW! I'm on my semester break! For 3 months! Yaaa-hooooooo!!! :D /jump like a kid/ I can sleep as long as I want! I can eat until my belly big! HAR HAR! I can watch tv and surfing internet 24 hour! I can do anything now! So mom, grandpa, granny, sis, bro, uncles, aunties, cousins... Let me enjoy my breaks? -_________- Don't keep make me to do the chores.... You know that I'm too lazy to do it, don't you? Heheh whatever la.. I just wanna tell that during this breaks, I will write more entries about my life. What have I been doing? Where did I go shopping, holiday or others? What am I eating? Everything that related with my life. Just random things. So, keep looking for my new entries, okay? And don't forget to follow my blog. Send a message at my Cbox if you want me to follow your blog back. :) Have a nice day! Bubye!