
Showing posts from December, 2012


Assalamualaikum. Sahabat Kau ada di kala ku suka, Di kala ku duka, Setiap tangisan dan juga ketawa, Kau ada di kala ku perlu, Setia menemaniku, Pegang erat tanganku bila aku jatuh. Kau lah yang selalu menemaniku, Mendengar kisah pahit manis hidupku, Kau lah yang di situ, Setia menungguku, Kau lah yang satu, Menjadi sahabatku. Kau ada di kala ku jatuh, Di setiap bangunku, Terus menemaniku, Tanpa rasa jemu. Kau ade di setiap tawa, Di kala bahagia, Kau menjadi sahabatku, Selamanya.... Sahabat by Najwa Latif ft Syam Kamarul & Sleeq. Listening to this song last night on radio. I suddenly thought my friends. Nine pals on my mind. It been two years since 2010. I met them at CFS. Four of them is my roommates. Met another four during our orientation. While another one, I met her on my english class. It was wonderful moment in my life. Having lot of friends beside you during hard time. Have someone to share about your secre...

Echoes of Silence

Assalamualaikum... Hi! How are you guys? Being good? Glad to know that! Me? /point to me/ Naaahhh.... Not good as you guys. I'm sick. Having a really bad cough. Feel someone choke my throat! /act dead/ Haha. I think a new season already started! It's time to get sick! Hahaha! I'm just kidding! Well everyone.. Please don't get sick! Be healthy so you can do your job perfectly! Okay, enough with coughy thing... Back to the title.. Silence? /chirp..chirp..chirp/ It's sound of birds right? /look around/ I don't see any birds around here.. Hahaha.. Whatever la~ -..- My house so quiet today. All of my family busy doing their own stuff. My grandpa and granny going out on date maybe? Haha. My mom and lil sis also going out, but my lil sis just accompany my mom to do compliance review at a boutique. My lil bro hang out with his friends. While me.. trying to fight over the silence. Haha.. Silence is the most powerful scream. Sure thing! It so silence ti...

Back To The Track

Assalamualaikum.. Hi! Wassup? Being cool? Or bored? -__- Like me? pfft... I don't know what to do. So I'm decide to makeover my blog again. Touch up here, touch up there. So, the result..... /drum rolls/  Taa-daahhhh! You can see it since you are reading this entry! Huhu... It's still pink though. Haha well... I like pink color. Even my bedroom's wall are pink. Well, thanks to my cousin, Wany which I called her,  Kanja  help me to find new layout for my blog.. You guys can visited her blog while blogwalking by click at her name.. It's beautiful. Bla bla bla.. Back to the story.. As you can see on the title of this entry. Yeah.. I'm back on the track now.. It's been a while since I didn't on and write new stories in this blog~ Keep busy with my study and life. Exams, assignments, quizzes, classes, meeting lecturers and bla bla bla. It so hectic! >.< I hate that kind of life. --" But have to endure for the sake of my future. hihi... But... NOW...